The way wars and conflicts are reported in media communication is of great importance, as certain forms of communication can contribute to (de)escalation in war and conflict situations and influence opinion-forming processes. This article deals with the framing of media content in conflicts, examines the role of news differentiation (illustrated by the example of terrorism reporting), and highlights the influences on communication processes in modern media environments (high choice media environments; social media). From a peace psychology perspective, this chapter focuses on how certain forms of media communication can contribute to the escalation and de-escalation of conflicts. It also examines the increasing importance of misinformation and disinformation in wars and conflicts. What role do misinformation and disinformation play in modern media environments and how should they be countered? This chapter provides initial answers to these questions.

Keywords: Mass media, social media, framing, news differentiation, misinformation, disinformation

Christian von Sikorski (PhD in Media and Mass Communication) is Junior Professor of Political Psychology (tenure-track) at the Department of Psychology at the University of Kaiserlautern-Landau (RPTU). After studying in Cologne and research stays in Hong Kong and New York City, he was a post-doc at the University of Vienna.
Research focus: Political psychology, political communication, media effects research with a focus on social media influencers, political scandals, misinformation and political polarization.

Pascal Merz (MA Social and Communication Sciences) is a research assistant and doctoral candidate at the Department of Psychology at the University of Kaiserlautern-Landau (RPTU).
Main research interests: Social media influencers, political psychology, political communication, media effects research, environmental communication.