Prof. Dr. Christopher Cohrs (PhD 2004 with dissertation on “Of Constructive Patriots and Black Sheep: National Identification and Engagement against Xenophobia”, University of Bielefeld) has been Professor of Social Psychology at Philipps University Marburg since 2017. Previously, he was Assistant Professor at Jacobs University Bremen and Lecturer at Queen’s University Belfast, Northern Ireland. Chair of the Peace Psychology Forum from 2013 to 2021. Founding Editor of the international open access Journal of Social and Political Psychology. Winner of the Peace Psychology Early Career Award of the Society for the Study of Peace, Conflict, and Violence – Peace Psychology Division (Division 48) of the American Psychological Association in 2007. His research interests include prejudice, intergroup conflict and its social representations, political attitudes, attitudes towards war and, more recently, social psychological aspects of sustainability and climate change.

Dr. Nadine Knab is a social and peace psychologist and currently chair of the German Peace Psychology Association. Her dissertation was conducted at University Koblenz-Landau and awarded the German Thesis Award in 2021 (2nd prize). During her academic work Nadine visited research institutes in the US, Russia and Israel. Currently, she is a postdoctoral fellow of the Azrieli Foundation at the Boris Mints Institute for Strategic Policy Solutions to Global Challenges at the Tel Aviv University in Israel and lecturer at the International Program for Conflict Resolution and Mediation.
Her research interests include intergroup relations and psychological determinants for conflict and cooperation. More here: www.nadine-knab.com

Prof. em. Dr. Gert Sommer was a professor of psychology with a focus on clinical psychology and community psychology (1977-2006) in Marburg. Co-founder of the Forum Friedenspsychologie (formerly Friedensinitiative Psychologie*Psychosoziale Berufe), Chairman 1986-2005. Member of the Krefeld Initiative. Board member of the interdisciplinary journal “Wissenschaft & Frieden” 1991-2014. Co-founder and repeated spokesperson of the Interdisciplinary Working Group for Peace and Disarmament Research (IAFA) at Philipps-Universität Marburg. Co-founder of the Centre for Conflict Studies (CCS), Marburg, member of the board of directors 2001-2016. Numerous publications on peace psychology, especially enemy image and human rights.